
UNCLAIMED RAFFLE PRIZES. Please can everyone who bought raffle tickets in the Christmas raffle & Twixmas raffle, come in and check to see if they have won. Thank you.

Thank you to all our members for your continuing support of Selby Bowling Club.
Despite continuing financial challenges, the club remains strong and looking forward to the future with a number of projects; the indoor bowling carpet on rinks 1-4 has been replaced after approximately 30 years of service, new heating is planned for the lounge, reception and snooker room and canopies have been installed for the cycle/motor scooter area inside the gate.
Cost increases for membership and bowling sessions are inevitable but have been kept to a minimum and will be revised from 1st September.
We would like to remind members that the club provides a full range of activities (indoor, outdoor and short mat bowling, snooker, bingo and events in the lounge and marquee (parties, dinners, christenings etc.). The Sunday Lunch service and Friday Fish ‘n’ Chips remains popular and booking is recommended. More themed food nights are being planned.
Club Security
Security has been tightened at the club following concerns earlier in the year. The bar discount card has been withdrawn and all members should produce their membership card to obtain members rates for food and beverages, or to prove membership when requested. CCTV is in operation on the premises and is checked. If you have any security concerns, please notify Paula, Sue or any committee member as soon as possible for follow up. Visitors are welcome but must be signed in and paid for (£2 charge) by a current member.
Due to changes implemented by Bowls England and other governing bodies the club must implement changes to the Code of Conduct. We have therefore issued a new Code of Conduct and Safeguarding Policies which are on display in reception for all to access and read. The policies are for the protection of every member who uses our club. They make it clear that we all have a responsibility for the safeguarding and protection of each other. Anyone found contravening the Code of Conduct or Safeguarding Policy may have their membership rescinded. To comply with Bowls England, each member must sign a declaration (on the reverse of the new membership form) that we have read and understood these policies and is a condition of membership going forward.
Membership Form
Fees are due by the 1st September but can be paid up to 30th September 2024. All indoor league players should have renewed their membership and captains paid their league registrations before their team’s first indoor game. Membership not renewed by the 30th September will be assumed to have ceased. Please ensure you complete the membership form fully and accurately (especially email addresses), to assist in updating club records. All the information is important, but emergency contact detail is especially so. Membership cards should be brought in (or sent in) with your membership payment so that your card can be updated for 2024/25.
Volunteer Auditors
Two members have stepped forward to assist in this vital role – Chris Shann and Sharon Evendon. This ensures the club is adhering to best practice for management procedures. Thank you to both.
Club Successes
Outdoor – Building on the success of last year’s Men’s Fours we again say congratulations to Andy Boatwright and Pete Lund for winning the Men’s County Pairs champions this year. They will represent Yorkshire at this year’s National Championships at Leamington Spa and we all wish them good luck. The Men’s Over 55’s Four of John Phillips, Pete Lund, Pete Heslop and Eamonn Addison (sub’d by Andy Boatwright in the final) reached the County Final whilst Chris Maltby and Angie Laskey reached the Final of the Ladies Senior County Pairs.
We wish Libby Hancock, and Jane Simpson success at the National finals at Leamington Spa in August and the Men’s team every success to win in the closing stages of the York League and the Marshall Shield.
Indoor – Gemma Broadhead represented England in the Learning Disability International Indoor Series at Falkirk in April, picking up a silver medal. Well done Gemma. John Phillips, Graham Pearson and David Simpson were included in the Yorkshire Senior Team in the final of the Inter-County competition at the National Championships at Nottingham.
Dress Code for Indoor and Outdoor Bowling
A dress code remains in place for bowling. Bowling shoes are required to protect the indoor carpet and outdoor green from damage. Ordinary outdoor shoes/trainers are not acceptable.
Representative Games |
From September 2024 Ladies will wear branded black bowling trousers, branded bowling shorts or skirt and club shirt. Men will continue to wear grey trousers/shorts until 2025/2026. No jeans or chinos. Regulation bowling shoes with a flat sole and without prominent grip or raised heel. |
Leagues Club Competitions Organised Social Bowling (Tues, Thurs & Fri) |
Branded bowling black or grey trousers, branded bowling shorts or skirt. Bowling shirts or plain white tops. No jeans or chinos. Regulation bowling shoes with a flat sole and without prominent grip or raised heel. |
Roll ups |
Smart casual clothing may be worn but with regulation bowling shoes. |
Outdoor Bowling
President’s v Captain’s Match – Saturday 17th August. This is an outdoor game open to all outdoor bowlers. More details are be posted in reception but prizes for the raffle and tombola are welcome (box in reception).
Thank you to those who volunteer and look after the outdoor green. Brian Smith although officially retired continues to graft long and hard with his team to maintain the outdoor facilities for everyone’s enjoyment. If you are interested in being part of the green team, please let Paula know.
Outdoor bowling is from 1pm each day but earlier start times can be arranged with the greenkeeper. Bowlers will be advised when the green will close.
Indoor Bowling
Indoor session fees will increase to £4.00 per 2-hour session from 1st September 2024. Locker fees remain at £3 per locker per year. Indoor league registration fee is £5.00 per player per league.
The winter indoor bowling leagues are currently being organised, with a start date for some leagues w/c 3rd September. Captains will be advised of details in due course. The marquee will be down after the first full weekend in September but will be put up for a couple of events in November and December until immediately after the New Year celebration.
The full programme of indoor leagues and social bowling is:
10:30am |
12:30pm |
2:30pm |
6:30pm |
Mon Mixed Triples |
Mon Open Pairs |
Gents Triples |
Social Bowling |
Social Bowling |
Ladies Triples |
Gents Fours |
Vets Fours |
Gents Pairs & Ladies Fours |
Social Bowling |
Social League |
Mixed Pairs (& Summer League), Short Mat |
Social Bowling |
Social Bowling |
Vets Triples |
Friday Mixed Fours |
Organised social bowling sessions are held on Tuesday and Friday mornings at 10:30am and 12:30pm with an informal social bowling session on Thursday morning at 10.30am. All social bowlers are reminded that social bowling slots must be booked in advance to secure rink space. Where this is not booked in advance, places will not be guaranteed.
Indoor bowlers are strongly reminded that use of Grippo and other substances is forbidden as they damage the carpet. A big thank you to John Broadhead for vacuuming the indoor carpet and keeping the carpet in good order.
Short Mat
Selby Working Men’s Club team has settled in after their first season with a club night on Thursdays. Please see Geoff Whitehead if you are interested in joining or having a go.
The Snooker room has three snooker tables available for social and league snooker. Our facility is proving to be popular following a reduction in Snooker facilities in Selby. Leagues are due to start in September.
Groups and Classes
Several U3A and other activity groups use facilities at the club. There are many varied options so if you are interested in joining any of these please contact U3A directly or ask Paula for contact details for the activity concerned.
Finally thank you to all the various committee members, captains, organisers we have in the club who give up their time for the enjoyment of everyone and to the hardworking staff. We have a club to be proud of and fantastic asset to enjoy.
Keith Laskey, Chairman, Selby BC